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Toys for babies 12 to 18 month old

Your child is really taking off these days - and how you chase your kids the road, you can miss the days before she learned to use her legs as well. "Active" is an apt way to describe, children of this age, and they do not like a toy or game, they can throw their whole self - balls, swings and climbing small sets, to name a few. 

Little hands will now always coordinated well, and your child can probably now more efficient sorter toy, building block towers and even greater scribble a drawing. Game involves a lot of experimentation, such as "What if I fall to let this ball?" or "What happens if you pull the lever?"

At this age, most children are very interested in the consequences of their actions, and because their memory is not well developed, they never tire of repeating. Toddlers also like to try what they see adults do, so look for toys that mimic everyday life.

For older toddlers, see our article on toys for children 18 to 24 months old.
Large blocks: This lightweight cardboard bricks are big enough to stack up in a fortress or on the wall or otherwise your child wants. But the most satisfying part of the process continues to be the finale - when the walls come tumbling down.

Push and pull toys. Heavily weighted push toys, your beginner something to lean how to give engines wagons around your home can be ideal. Pull toys for slightly advanced walkers who can look after them as they move forward. Give them something to see: Pull toys, flap, bobble, squeak or otherwise a scene are the favorites. Read more about your foot toddler.

Sorting and nesting toys: Infants love to sort, stack unsort, unstack, and basically to reorganize their lives. Sorting and nesting toys are great fun for those who try out their early problem solving skills.

Climbing Hall: A small gym, you can climb your child a safe place to hide, slide, and exert all their emerging motor skills - over and over again. But these sets can also be expensive and are quickly outgrown.

Balls: Any ball that is easy to understand a hit, with this group - underinflated beach balls, vinyl balls, cloth balls. Stay away from foam balls, which might end up being a sip. Your child will have fun kicking, throw a ball and rolls.

Washable crayons and paper: Let doodling begin! Give your child is not more than a few crayons at a time - you do not want to overwhelm him - and stick the paper to the floor so that he can pull his brand without making the paper with him.

Ride-on Cars: This type of self-locomotion is even more popular than on foot. Many small ride-on toys have to press models with handles for an adult when the child is tired. Avoid electronic versions - they are expensive and take some of the fun of moving under its own power.

Toolbank or children Kitchen: Junior fix-it children or aspiring chefs get hours of gameplay out of plastic or wood models scaled to their size. Sets like this give the child a chance to make things that she sees emulate adults here, and they will continue to hold their interest for several months, as they play becomes more sophisticated.

Picture Books: Your child more advanced picture books showing familiar objects and activities to enjoy. He can also start, proud of his own library and the chance to pick out a favorite for you to take read.

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