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Toys for babies 6 to 9 month old

But their movements are also more accurate. Your brain is the development of the ability to master new motor skills, and thanks to their growing skill, they can get a raisin out of the ground. (If you have not already, it's a good time to child safety of your home.) 

Your baby game is much stronger. When she picks up a spoon Now she can bang against pots and pans, and it rattles angry bunch of keys she finds. You can now grab two toys at a time and beat them.

Your baby will be aware that objects still exist even when they can not see or feel. This means they will miss a favorite stuffed animal when they can not see it, and try to look for them. It also means you can start playing hide-and-seek games with objects. Hide her teddy bear as she seeks, and they will find it right away - and very proud she was doing.

This is the age when most babies move. From sitting, it is a short development time scooting to step on her stomach, to rock back and forth on her hands and knees and crawl then. Over time it is. 9 months old, she moved up to a standing position and stick to your furniture, always ready to cruise The following toys can help her explore her rapidly developing sense.

Books: This is the age when reading both more interactive and fun for you. Reading together is crucial to help your baby develop language skills that are starting to take off rapidly. (Learn more about reading to your child.) Fabric or cardboard pounds work well. After reading the book, you can pass it to her so that she can take a series mirrors the pages and "reading" for you.

Busy board: Many babies love these activity sheets, which can be attached to a crib rail. They come with parts that move and spin, so that your baby a place to practice coordination of his hands with sensory experiences. He is always the idea that things happen objects-so pushing, turning, spinning, shaking, dropping and opening things fascinate him. He also loves new sounds, so if you find a card that makes a bit of noise. Make sure the parts are sturdy enough that they do not dissolve, and avoid boards with strings or ribbons Your baby could get tangled in. 

Soft dolls or stuffed animals: Babies of this age often develop attachment to a lovey - a favorite toy or blanket. And pediatricians support this connection, said a familiar object can facilitate transitions later. Nevertheless, some dolls and stuffed animals make better suited than others Loveys. Avoid those. With ribbons, plastic eyes, yarn, or whatever deductible and your child in the mouth Dolls and not get so large they are difficult to get for your baby. Fabric toys should be flame resistant or flame retardant can be marked, and should be washable.

Balls: Balls are fun for almost any age. Lightweight fabric balls that particular quantity fit well. Unfurl the back and forth between the two of you on the floor. If your baby is older, you can throw it across the room so that he, when he can crawl.

Wood or soft blocks: Show your baby how to stack a few blocks, and then knock them off. Stack them in a container for him - and throw them out. He gets the idea. Stacking blocks and filling and emptying of games are very popular at this age. 

Moving toys: If your baby starts to move, it is more interested in toys, to do the same. Here are some sturdy cars they can push the carpet. Or for toys that pop up when your baby pushes seek just the right spot.


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